In this publication we present four case studies on the challenges of contemporary theatre in a changing technological environment. They belong to the project ACuTe Culture Testbeds for Performing Arts and New Technology, whose primary goal is to enhance innovations in dramaturgy, stage design, and audience engagement. The case studies are based on the experiences of four organization...
4.11.2022 - Kramar Vadim, Koskela Marjut, Kaartinen Heidi
Another drone in the sky! Is it filming me? Where do my pictures go? Will it suddenly drop on my head and kill me? These may be thoughts that pop into mind when one sees a drone in the sky. Drones are often seen as toys that may be purchased from supermarkets or annoying nuisances flying above. They are actually much more than that: The majority of applications of drones are serious a...
Oamk Journal
Julkaisija Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
Päätoimittaja Tiina Kaksonen
ISSN 2737-0550
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