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AMKEAmmattiosaamisen kehittämisyhdistys [The Finnish Association for the Development of Vocational Education and Training]
CPDcontinuous professional development
CVETcontinuing vocational education and training
DigCompEduDigital Competence Framework for Educators
DLDigital Literacy
DGERTDireção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho [The Directorate-General for Employment and Labor Relations]
ECEuropean Commission
ECTSEuropean Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
EFTEuropean Training Foundation
EQFEuropean Qualifications Framework
EUEuropean Union
GDPREU General Data Protection Regulation
ICTinformation and communications technology
ICT-CFTInformation and Communications Technology Competency Framework for Teachers
ISCEDInternational Standard Classification of Education
IVETinitial vocational education and training
OECDThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OERopen education resource
PCKpedagogical content knowledge
PLEpersonal learning environment
SELFIESelf-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational technologies – tool
TVETtechnical and vocational education and training
TPACKTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
UNESCOThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO-UNEVOCThe UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
VETvocational education and training
WBLwork-based learning