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ACuTe Case Studies

In this publication four case studies on the challenges of contemporary theatre in a changing technological environment is presented. The case studies are based on the experiences of four organizations involved in the project. The Azkuna Zentroa study will show how artistic residency programs help artists create and share knowledge. The Amsterdam-based theatre company De Toneelmakerij discusses narrative design and design thinking in their case study. The Saxion University of Applied Sciences Saxion XR lab case study introduces Design Thinking tools, which are essential in testbed design. The Estonian Academy of Arts case study provides an overview of two case studies that integrate telecommunication systems in the contemporary theatre environment and art.

From Annoying and Invasive Buzzer to a Useful Tool – Drones to Assist People

Ideas of sci-fi movies are becoming a reality soon, and in the future, there will be more and more flying devices in the air. In the hands of skillful and educated operators, drones are safe tools, and they provide new ways to create added value in different areas of life. Drones are not to harm – they are to help!

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