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Building a Shared Understanding in Digital Competences

In this report we connect the concept of competence with competence frameworks that provide tools to enhance professional teachers digital pedagogical competence. The concept of competence is separated, by paradigmatic difference, from the concept of competency, as competency refers to the potential of an individual as a whole. The current educational paradigm in VET suggests that the domains of knowledge, skills and abilities describe the composition of individual competence. Competence can be seen also as an achievement acquired through training and development. The European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (EU, 2007) describes “competence” as not only the required knowledge but also skills, attitudes and the ability to apply learning outcomes as is appropriate to the context (e.g., working life).


Vocational education and training (VET) policy is among top priorities in all European Union (EU) countries as the quality of our life in future to the great extent depends on the skills and competences of the workforce. Changes brought about by technologies and digitalisation demands us to learn new things every day. Situations where the majority of students digitally outperform their teachers is reality in most education systems. To improve digital competences of VET teachers and trainers and make their teaching more attractive by making use of various digital tools the National Centre for Education of the Republic of Latvia with partners from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Portugal and the Czech Republic in September 2020 started EU Erasmus+ project “Dig4VET – Digital Tools for Learning and Validation in VET and WBL: Training Program for VET Teachers, Trainers and Mentors”. Project consortium represented VET schools, training centres, public authority and a university of applied sciences. The variety of institutions gave an added value to the project as partners had diverse experience and expertise.

Foundations of Collaborative Practices for Pedagogical Development

Vocational education and training in Europe has many similarities but also many differences. The countries participating in the Dig4VET project follow this pattern also. A basic aspect of vocational training is directly linked to the definition of VET as education and training which aims to equip people with knowledge, know-how, skills and competences required in particular occupations or more broadly on the labour market. European VET is changing in many ways and the pandemic has forced this process. Responding to rapidly changing demographics, technologies and labour market, European VET is diversifying its programmes and qualifications and becoming more digital. To gain a broader understanding of digital skills and recent development directions in VET especially in partnering countries, we conducted a brief desk research. Partnering countries also contributed to data collection and gathered previous findings of research or reports conducted at the national level.

Training Needs Analysis of Digital Skills of VET Teachers, Trainers and Tutors in Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal

This training needs analysis presents the survey results of use of digital technologies in VET, in Dig4VET partner countries Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal. The particular focus is on digital competences of VET teachers, trainers, WBL tutors/mentors in the field of education technologies. The need analysis includes their perceptions about their digital competences. It comprises their understanding of the potential of digital tools in learning, teaching, assessment, validation, awareness of digital policies and their perception of training needs. Consistently, it includes the perceptions of VET students and VET school managers. The need analysis also covers an overview of digital tools, education technologies and apps relevant and useful for VET and WBL settings. As well, it offers an overview of how VET schools, VET teachers and school leaders in partner countries were prepared and how they succeeded during the time of Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.

The New Digital Era

In general, the current epoch suggests us to consider novel and more complex approaches to learning and implementing the student-centred and digitally supported learning practices. This has also been incentivized by the Declarations issued in Bologna and Berlin. For instance, several studies have concluded that effective integration of advanced digital technologies push teaching and learning towards the constructivist pedagogical paradigm and student-centred practices. Moreover, educational provisions in VET are often already based on student-centred practices by nature. Still, these interactive, student-centred teaching strategies for learning require critical and constructive evaluation in order to move towards better implementations. The provided projects and experiments can help us with the review.

Recommendations for Future Trainings

Vocational education, VET teachers and teacher trainers are experiencing constant societal change, resulting in increased individual competence needs in the future. In demanding dual positions of VET teachers, both substance specific and pedagogical competence is challenged by turbulent digital disruption in different sectors. The studies presented in this report, suggest a variety of options, technologies, and digital pedagogical approaches to be applied in vocational teacher programmes. We hope that these models, studies, and the results reported are useful for many involved in the development of VET and vocational teacher education.

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