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Tag vocational education and training

Shared horizons in Tanzania: Why We Need Each Other

The blog text is a journey report and a reflection on the Erasmus+ KA2 project, “Kilimanjaro VET”. The text summarises the first months of the project using authentic progress log entries by the authors which are combined with reflection on the challenges and the learnings made so far.

Foundations of Collaborative Practices for Pedagogical Development

Vocational education and training in Europe has many similarities but also many differences. The countries participating in the Dig4VET project follow this pattern also. A basic aspect of vocational training is directly linked to the definition of VET as education and training which aims to equip people with knowledge, know-how, skills and competences required in particular occupations or more broadly on the labour market. European VET is changing in many ways and the pandemic has forced this process. Responding to rapidly changing demographics, technologies and labour market, European VET is diversifying its programmes and qualifications and becoming more digital. To gain a broader understanding of digital skills and recent development directions in VET especially in partnering countries, we conducted a brief desk research. Partnering countries also contributed to data collection and gathered previous findings of research or reports conducted at the national level.

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