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VET Teachers’ Digital Pedagogical Competences in Latvia, Lithuania, and Portugal. Needs Analysis, Review Report and Recommendations for Continuous Education and Training

Digital Tools for Learning and Validation in VET and WBL: Training Program for VET Teachers, Trainers and Mentors (Dig4VET) is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET-project aimed to improve skills and competences of vocational teachers, trainers and mentors in using digital tools in education process. Main goal is to raise awareness of a variety of digital tools and technologies that can be used in vocational education and training (VET) and workbased learning (WBL) settings for both classroom and distance learning. Dig4VET proposes empowering VET teachers, trainers and mentors/WBL tutors with the support of a training program for VET teachers, trainers and mentors which can be implemented by VET institutions (local level), by national continuous professional development (CPD) systems and internationally as Erasmus+ courses. In this publication we communicate a review of digital skills of VET teachers and trainers in partner organisations (VET schools) and partner countries, including a report on the use of SELFIE in Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal. We also suggest recommendations for future training programs in digital pedagogy for VET teachers, trainers and WBL tutors. The recommendations section is initialised with an overview of competence-based approaches in advanced CPD which may be specially designed for VET Teachers, Trainers and Potential Mentors to enhance the use of digital tools for teaching, learning, assessment and validation. The report is a multidimensional information resource regarding digital competences of VET teachers, trainers, mentors, and it will be useful for VET policy and decision makers, VET school management, researchers, and particularly – for VET teacher trainers. It can also be of interest and use for other sectors of education (general education, higher education, adult education).

Advanced Continuous Professional Development – Lessons Learned in Finland

This report is an information resource regarding digital competences of VET teachers, trainers, mentors, and it will be useful for VET policy and decision makers, VET school management, researchers, and particularly for VET teacher trainers. The long-term experience of Finns as developers of digital pedagogical education opens up a point of reference at which this network can continue to work on higher quality content and development of the training program. In the Dig4VET project, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education had an excellent viewpoint to look at the recognised training needs and the training packages planned and implemented during the initiative. In the following chapter we will discuss our review results in relation to recent recommendations, research findings and teacher trainees’ experiences. At the same time, we aim to provide guidelines for the development of future training programs and open education resources, too.

Training Needs Analysis of Digital Skills of VET Teachers, Trainers and Tutors in Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal

This training needs analysis presents the survey results of use of digital technologies in VET, in Dig4VET partner countries Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal. The particular focus is on digital competences of VET teachers, trainers, WBL tutors/mentors in the field of education technologies. The need analysis includes their perceptions about their digital competences. It comprises their understanding of the potential of digital tools in learning, teaching, assessment, validation, awareness of digital policies and their perception of training needs. Consistently, it includes the perceptions of VET students and VET school managers. The need analysis also covers an overview of digital tools, education technologies and apps relevant and useful for VET and WBL settings. As well, it offers an overview of how VET schools, VET teachers and school leaders in partner countries were prepared and how they succeeded during the time of Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.

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